Newbie Guide
Some Terms & Definitions-
File formats
.wav- what a common sound
file is on a computer taken from an audio cd. They are very big and
are easy to convert into a playable audio cd. They are not easy to
transfer online due to size. Once an audio cd is created it can be
copied again with minimal quality loss. The most common form of trading
.mp3- The most commonly
used compressed music file. They are about 1/10 the size of a wav.
They can be played on computers and mp3 players but need to be converted
to a wav before or as they are being burned to an audio cd. Mp3's
are a good sound for such a small file size, but is a lossy
compression scheme. This means that when music is converted into the
MP3 format, a certain amount of data is lost and cannot ever be recovered.
Plus anytime an mp3 is traded or copied it loses sound quality. Mp3's
cannot make continuous sound from track to track as there will be
clicks between tracks. If you make a concert cd from mp3's it will
radically lose sound quality on each duplication. Therefore don't
trade with mp3's!!
.shn- Shorten (also pronounced
"shin") is an audio compression scheme written by Tony Robinson
of SoftSound that can compact wav files without subtracting out any
frequencies. It's "lossless"- everything in the original wav is there,
so that full quality is maintained. For many traders of live music,
Shorten files (shns) therefore have an undisputed advantage over "lossy"
mp3-format files. A shn file made from a wav is quite a bit larger
than the corresponding mp3, with a size perhaps ~50-60% of the orginal
wav. You will need specific software and need to learn more about
them here.
These are quickly gaining popularity as a shn can be copied multiple
times and still have the quality of its original recording. FLAC is
another format that is similar in idea but is less popular for now.
FTP- File Transfer Protocol
is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.
Using FTP you can download or upload files to a private or public
server. You need to logon to an FTP server with a name and password.
It is a way of trading but can be difficult to find and support for
trading shows online. You also need software to get to files via ftp.
FTP is not generally used by the Coldplay community but may be for
individual online traders.
Usergroups- Usergroups
are one of the oldest ways to get info and download shows. You will
need seperate software and then you it requires a monthly cost and
download limit. Coldplay shows have been known to spread in shn via
Direct Connect- Unlike
napster, this type of peer-to-peer allows people to go to hubs that
specialize in certain content and similar to an FTP setting but with
many more people and interacting. There is a thriving Coldplay hub
that allows for people to download entire concerts for free, in the
acceptable shn format, and allows them to chat with each other as
well. Visit the Coldplay
Hub Page for more info. The
great thing abou this format is it allows collections to be online
and available consistantly.
Bit Torrent- Bit torrent
is the newest way of sharing. One person starts a torrent and then
people begin downloading from the original seeder. As you are downloading
you also share with people below you with less of the show. Its a
great way to spread a show and almost always guarantee a completion
in a given evening. However, bit torrents last only a short period
of time so it svery possible to miss out on shows.
is a great place to bit tottents of shn's & dvd's, and also find
other traders. STG is not heavily used to get Coldplay shows but it
is a great place to check out other bands, get started collecting,
and interact with other tapers and traders.
via mail
Send first- Often used
when an unestablished trader trades with an established trader. The
person who does the contacting sends to the person first and once
the shows arrive the established trader sends their shows to them.
Send simulataneously- Both
traders arrange to send their shows to each other at the same time.
tape trees- One person
heads the top of the tree and copies for several people below him.
These people then copy for several people below them as well. In the
example below one person at the top gets 1 show for 12 people (3+9)
by making 3 copies and having 2 layers. Forming a tape tree is time
consuming but is a great way to get newbies some first shows and is
easy to set up via online forums.
b& p or 2-for-1's -
A way to get started by contacting an established trader and sending
them blanks (at 1:1 or 2:1 ratio) for the shows they want. Also enclosed
is a self-addressed envelope with postage to get it back to the sender.
A rare occurance but still a nice way to get started.
Soundboard (sbd)- Recorded
from the band's mixing board. As good as can be and with the only
audience sound coming from leakage or the band's mikes. Often grouped
in for Studio recordings, rare soundboard taps, radio,or outtakes.
Officially released live albums are always soundboard. FM's are a
soundboard source but the audio range is more limited and can come
close to resembling a mp3 or md frequency.
to good
DAT audience(dat)- A digital
audience recording, typically made in a designated taper's section
or snuck in by a fan (and recorded with a dat recording (digital audio
tape)recorder. Depending on how these are recorded and how noisy the
adjacent audience members are these can be as good as a soundboard
recording (but with more audience noise inbetween songs) or bad if
adjacent audience noise overwhelms the band performance.
to horrible quality.
MD audience(aud)- An audience
recording using a minidisk player. These are the lowest price available
recording devices. While these are genrally frowned apon by hardcore
tapers as they do lower the sound range and requiring flipping during
a long concert, they can get achieve some great recordings with great
mics and with low adjacent audience participation.
to horrible quality.
IEM & ALD- First rule
of Fight Club is never talk about Fight Club.
Pro-shot Video- A television
appearance recorded to vhs, dvd recorder, or tivo can be later transfered
to vcd or dvd. A digital capture will be the best resoluation, followed
by a first generation high recording quality. Multi-genration vhs
or low recording levels can = a sub-par video capture. Pro-shots are
the equivalent of video soundboard recordings and will feature multiple
to good
Digital DV- These are digital
video recorder snuck into concerts and used to film from the audience
members perspective. These are the wave of the future as the camcorders
are much smaller than ever before, they are cheaper, better, and easier
to share via recordable dvd's. Sound can be a lesser quality but improvements
are occuring with better mics in cameras, external mics with better
audio sound, and mixes from FM or great AUD audio sources into the
finished product.
to horrible quality.
About audience recordings- Audience
recordings are the major source of getting great shows. Since there
are large costs associated with getting equiptment, purchasing tickets,
sneaking in equiptment, remaining perfectly still, and ensuring the
recording goes off without a hitch, its important to support your
local tapers. Even shows taped off the radio onto dats, md, or casette
or transfer from tv to dvd exist thanks to someone taking the time
to record a show. Please maintain these guidelines for ensuring a
steady flow of shows to the community.
The community can always use more tapers to record shows
as many shows are still missed or are not shared by the tapers present
at that show.
Unlisted Shows- Many tapers
trade amongst themselves and these recordings are often asked not
to leak out. These may include the best quality shows or shows that
have never circulated from a certain city. Be aware that these recordings
exist, that they are not supposed to be circulated amongst everyone,
and they are part of how the community works. If you want to get the
best and rarest shows available than you will probably want to tape
be a part of the taper community.
Restricted Shows- These
are shows that are available to the trading community but have parameters
set up by the taper on how he would like them traded. This generally
reflects that they don't want the shows spread through the internet
(via hub or torrent), or that they would like permisison before any
trade takes place (so they can track who has recordings). These shows
are harder to get without a large collection or knowing how to track
these recordings down.
Circulated shows- These
shows are traded via mail but also online through hubs or bit torrents.
They are generally pretty common when widely circulated and may make
it harder to trade with other CP traders but easier with people who
colelct other bands.
Also the Coldplay trading community does not look favorably
on mp3. If you want single rare songs you can find them at
various Coldplay websites or on kazaa or soulseek but please do not
share entire concerts in mp3 online. Some tapers do share entire shows
with other via mp3. Please keep these versions of the shows seperate
from the full quality audio and shn versions. Trading these mp3 version
with other traders will not be looked at favorably.
Please never shn or transfer a show to mp3 you receive
in a trade as you will not have the taper's permission. Shows should
be shared online from the taper's master or with their blessing. Otherwise
taper's may not share so willingly when Coldplay comes to tour the
next time.
to find traders
list of Coldplay Traders -
People I have traded with and who collect Coldplay shows. From the
hardcore collectors to a few people who have collect a few Coldplay
shows and mainly other bands.
- The best way to trade shns and
find which shows have or have not been recorded. Also try
- The best way to trade shows on cd, casettes, and most
formats. Forum just added. Get an id to browse. You can list your
shows online and contact others through the site.
- A good to trade shows on cd, casettes, and most formats.
Forum just added. Get an id to browse. You can list your shows online
and contact others through the site.
website- do
a search by artist
with bootleg, live, trading included for posted website by traders.
This also a great way to find specific dates, setlists, and covers
for your shows through a google
go to yahoo egroups and search through the many fan egroups.
There will genrally always be at least 1 group dedicated to trading
bootlegs online or via mail.
go to a band's forum and look for trades there. (esecially
if they have a live section) Coldplay messageboard is a great resource
for locating tapers and traders.
Trading Ring a handful
of traders here.