May 30:
Politik Trouble One
I Love Don't
Panic Moses Everything's
Not Lost Poor
Me Yellow The
Scientist Clocks In
My Place Amsterdam Scientist synopsis: |
Axeman: Back from the Shoreline show, and my fifth ever Coldplay show in the
same city/area. I must say that I was really spoiled being able to see
Coldplay perform in much smaller intimate venues, but it was also exciting
to see them perform in a huge amphitheater venue (Shoreline can fit
somewhere between 15 to 20 thousand people), although the feeling was
not quite the same.
i saw
coldplay twice at bimbo's in the city, and it pains me to say this,
but the truth is... nothing will beat those shows. last night's concert
was my 5th one, and this was probably the worst coldplay show i've ever
been too. don't get me wrong though, i love their music. it's just that
the majority of the audience did not rub me the right way. there were
some serious vh1 viewers in the house tonight. i wonder how many of
the fillmore gig-attendees came last night. i was at the fillmore, and
my oh my, how i miss "sparks". are the fillmore kids still
here on this message board? i didn't recognize anyone around me at the
shoreline. i felt as if someone placed me in the middle
of a yanni audience. chris
didn't play the guitar on "yellow" last night. i noticed he
had his bandage on his right wrist. does anyone know if chris has carpal
tunnel syndrome? perhaps he should playing the guitar like a natural
lefty? speaking of guitar playing, there was one point in the concert
where it seemed as if chris was either gonna toss his guitar into the
crowd, or play the guitar behind his head like jimi hendrix. he did
neither, however, and just placed his guitar over his head for a few
good seconds. he could've done something really spectacular, but nah.
i guess chris isn't that kind of person.
The show
was awesome...the first coldplay concert I've been to. I could just
feel the energy from the stage, awesome stuff. I think he really handled
that beachball hitting his head real well, real classy I ended up buying
the Eisley cd as well as a coldplay t-shirt. HeatherP:
This is
my second coldplay show. I thought it was great and a lot of fun. I
do agree that I also missed hearing shiver, green eyes, spies, etc.
Playing amsterdam, though was a real treat for the audience. It's one
of my favorites. I saw them in berkeley last September and if I recall
correctly they played everything from both cd's. I heard moses last
nite for the first time on the radio and then at the show, and it's
such a beautiful song. RB2H:
nite i saw COLDPLAY at shoreline also. i went with my boyfriend and
it couldnt have been a more wonderful experience. Bigj:
Last night's how was great, but the
big venues are a weird palce to see them. Being close at Shoreline helps
though, and what was with security just letting people crowd around
the stage at the beginning of the show? I have never seen that at Shoreline
before and I probably go there 3-5 itmes a year.
yeah i
like saw the kicked jonny tremaine's ass!...yeah i indeed
saw chris and a "chick" (prob. gwen) on the like roof...i
took a pic but i'm not sure it like got the shadows...did anyone else
notice them cover up the backstage? Ha oh chris and his privacy! Yeah,
that show was me and growingtakesproteins (mikeael) first cp show. Politik
blew me away like yesterdays ham sandwich. THe lights were fuckin awesome
and uh chris was The beachball thing was hilar (yet stupid
except for chris' comment) and the chick behind me like blew it up...dumb
bitch. Yeah a couple in front of us moved cuz we were yelling like "CHRIS
MARTIN!" and "JONNY RACKIN IT!"...dumb strawberry blondes.
HAHAHAHAAHAHh this guy next to me didnt know who they were...whatta
killer..he got his uh fix... Hmmm what else...i took lots of pics and
ill post em whenever i get my 1 hour foto. HA like a movie. My fav songs
were yellow, politik, amsterdam, clocks, daylight, god put a smile,
poor me...fuck it they all were good...louie armstrong kicked some major
ass and like blasted me into the 6th dementia. Yeah, our throats were
ded and our legs were like ded...but we did buy alot...hmmm t-shirts,
keychain (for the mike) and program. They shoulda had more. Ronny Sex
was OK...too like country...but these days and gold in them hills rocked.
Eisley was OK too...those chicks were fuckin hot...i'd bone their gone...chris
was like looking from ABOVE! Ok thats it...anyone near us? We were sec.102
Row O Seats 31,32? Uh yeah...we were loud. Chris said it was their biggest
show...awesome...hopefully they like put that on their website w/ VIDEO!...cuz
like some guy came and took video shots of us...yeah! smit099:
enjoyed last night's show at Shoreline, however, I believe that a few
fans did not respect Coldplay while they were performing. Some guy near
me was constantly commenting about irrelevant things. I'm not saying
that discussions need to be all Coldplay all the time but if he wanted
to talk about the beauty of the turkey sandwiches at Arby's, he could've
at least waited until the song was over. Other than rude fans, it was
a good time. I was a little dissapointed that they didn't play "Spies"
and "Green Eyes" but the band is awesome and Chris Martin's
voice is amazing.Amazing I say. ceridwen84:
was in the middle of 202 near the soundboards....It was an awesome
in regards to those stupid yellow beachballs...i mean maybe at a phish
or flaming lips concert--but this was Coldplay! I was thoroughly annoyed
with a lot of the people around me, a couple rows of which seemed to
be coworkers from the same company. trying to yell into thier cellphones
during the *quiet* songs just far as the band goes I thought
they were tight and I really enjoyed the performance, I too missed "green
eyes" but they had all of my other favorites so i'm not complaining Lyndsie:
i think coldplay is one of the best bands out there ever. at the shoreline
last night..i loved them..yet i was on the lawn and the music wasn't
that loud...i still love them so much. the first time i saw them was
in a much more intimate and smaller that concert was much
better than this one...but i can never say that i went to a bad coldplay
concert. MandyGurl:
was in section 202 at the shoreline amphitheatre, and i thought it was
a pretty good show. i had never seen coldplay live before, so i was
just blown away. although i could have gone without a drunk guy grabbing
my ass (as well as my friend's), it was still an awesome show. but i
do agree that we could have gone without some of the fans at the show.
still, an amazing experience, and i can't wait to see them again. |
Alto Setlist: 1.
In My Place shakermaker9:
the palo
alto thing, for me, was fantastic cos it was just normal and sorta felt
like it used to. it was chris and jonny and they only did yellow, don't
panic, in my place and the scientist i think with a little q and a session
but it was great. they spent some time with some of us who had waited
out back too which kinda made my day. on the other hand, the big gig
had a good point cos i got to meet another boardie but i think i'll
just try to erase the shoreline. the
vibe was just not good- it's a gig, not a carnival. the soul is slippppping
away... as for questions, there were a lot of lame ones. some guy asked how long they'd been together, another girl asked for a hug. she got firm handshakes, after which chris told her she was healed. someone asked who yellow was about and chris said the word was inspired by a nearby yellowpages. another guy asked if they ever recorded under the influence-chris said he didn't smoke weed much, then said "i mean at all"...just said that once guy had been on something or other and recorded such a crap bass piece that they had to spend the next week fixing it. another girl asked for jonny's harmonica, and chris said he'd hit a girl in the head with it recently, but jon said it was her hand. then chris said something that either way, it was a lawsuit. he did end up tossing it to her. some guy asked what their most meaningful songs were and i just remember jon saying god put a smile...someone else asked if there were any artists that really annoyed them and i think chris sorta danced around that, saying something how they actually respect justin timerlake for being genuine or something, etc. another q was their musical influences. i don't remember all of them, but beatles, oasis, the cure, radiohead and i think leonard cohen were a few of them. that's all that i can remember at the moment. |