September 12,
Jay Leno
Los Angeles, CA

Broadcast on national tv

In My Place

September 13:
Star 98.7 (star lounge)
Los Angeles, CA

recording has not surfaced


Sorry not many details…..



reviews for September 12:

They were on last (around 1225 EST) and they were great! They played "In my place"-hopefully they'll play the scientist on Conan.

Think Chris was freaking out the Leno camerapersons, he went real far off stage at one point, and anyone know what was written underneath the Make Trade Fair logo?

*for the gossip mongers* Claire Danes practically leapt on them at the end of the song...look out gwennie.


 I thought Chris' voice was a bit weak tonight but it was still a wonderful performance... much different under bright lights than in a dark club though!

I totally saw Chris checking Claire Danes out! But she was saying in her interview that she's been going out with an Aussie for like 5 and a half years... so no worries!

I saw the .com on the maketradefair t-shirt but did he have something written on his right hand too? I couldn't tell if it was writing or if he was scratched up! Maybe marks from his "piano cast"?


I just watched it, I was out so I taped it. I thought that they did a good job, but Chris's voice sounded a little hoarse?! I hope that they play "the Scientist" on Conan as well. I don't think that Claire threw herself on Chris, she wanted to say good job and then it got kind of crowded around her so that is why she looked confused. Chris checked her out though ha ha ha!!!!!

He did have something written on his hand but you can't see it. Right in the beginning of the song, he totally pulled his jacket down on his left side to expose his shirt, I thought that was cool.


i thought they played well, but still sounded like shite. chris's voice was weak, jonny's guitar just sounded all wrong - and then general mood of it was just blah. there's a feeling that artists lose when they play on a tv show like leno or letterman. it's not as hyper and exciting as a real concert and so bands usually seem to sound like they are holding back vocally and musically - and that's exactly how coldplay sounded.

also, i watched the show and ermmm.... how are you people getting at the idea that claire danes jumped out to chris? she and robin williams and leno walked over to the stage to shake hands and do all the typical courtesies you'd expect to see among special guests on a show like that. it's typical and i don't think danes acted any different than anyone else would have. in fact, chris and robin gave each other a bit of a hug at the very end before they went into the credits. it's just common politeness to greet people and be happy for them.



I agree with you guys about the performance. How weird to have to try to go nuts in front of a seated, smallish audience, many of whom have never heard of you and are middle-aged tourists! And to know what volume to sing at, etc. must be difficult. Chris was off-key in the beginning, but I think he picked it up and did well towards the end. I liked the additional "ooo's" he added in there at one point also!

And as far as everyone shaking hands at the end, yeah, all 3 of them walked over...not just Claire! But she IS cute...if you were a boy, you'd look too, right? I thought it was funny that he paid a bit more attention to her (tho I'm sure not intentional) than to Robin Williams, who is a much bigger star by US standards. Maybe if Robin had been dressed like a woman (Mrs.Doubtfire), Chris would have ogled a bit more!