December 15
Philadelphia, PN
Y-100 Radio Show

(Zwan (opening first), Seether, Good Charlotte, Coldplay, New Found Glory, Queens Of The Stone Age (headlining))

recording exists I believe but is not "public"

in my place
one i love
trouble *briefly followed by Hot in Here*
god put a smile upon your face
dont panic
have yourself a merry little christmas




I was wondering why their set list was so short? They were the headliner!!!

Does anyone know what the title of the third song was that they played? Was it new or was it a B-side that I'm not familiar with?

No encore, nothing!!! In their defense a bunch of people left after the pop-punk band Good Charolette played... but the people that left were the 13 and under crowd, everyone in the 21+ crowd, and there were a lot of us, (mostly hanging out at the bar waiting for ColdPlay to come on and trying not to tortured by Good Charolette and New Found Glory) waited all night for ColdPlay to play something like six songs!!! Ahhh!!!

Their performance was great, as always... Chris topped off the night with a Christmas song that he played on piano.

Hey All....

First post on this board...FINALLY got to see Coldplay last night...also for the first time as I was away all summer when they were here last. They definitely didn't disappoint but I agree that their set should have been longer. I think all the bands had the same set time just about. As far as a list, they opened with Politik and In My Place. I did not know the third song either.

From Parachutes they did a more up-tempo version of "Don't Panic" and "Trouble" and "Yellow." For "Trouble," Jon played the first (slower) solo on harmonica. At the end of "Trouble" Chris threw in a little of "Hot in Here" by Nelly. Since I am a bit of an Anglophile---don't get me wrong I love my American music too----I read UK Mags like Q and Mojo and I know Chris is apt to do things

From Rush they also did Clocks (the new single here in America) and The Scientist---which they closed with followed by Chris giving a nice rendition of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

I was very happy with the guys' performance but I wish they had played longer....hope to see them again soon...


Hey everyone;
I loved seeing Coldplay last night, and ended up getting to the front row with my boyfriend! I actually ended up getting a drumstick after the show thanks to one of the guys cleaning up the stage!
I agree that it seemed as though they really didn't play much, being the headlining band and all. I actually saw them in Australia a few years ago at The Big Day Out.. and they were AMAZING out there, and played for way longer even with 40+ bands at that concert. There they played Spies, Shiver... which I was disappointed to not hear last night.
But all in all I mean, Coldplay is awesome... and like one of you said, it was GREAT when the eleventeen year olds left and the people who truly liked Coldplay could see them and not get pushed around in the mosh pits!


First of all I can't believe those idiots at Y100 put Coldplay and Zwan with those other bands! I flew to Ireland to see Coldplay in October and would rather deal with the horror of crossing the Atlantic again then to submit my ears to that, I can't even call it music. Seether was decent, but I couldn't get into the other bands. I don't think the little kids at the show realize that they were witness to music gods last night.
The boys played Politik, In My Place, The one I love, Trouble, Yellow, Clocks, Scientist, a little It's gettn' hot in here lets take off all of our clothes, and Have yourself a Merry Xmas.
They were brilliant as usual. If it was the first time you have seen them image them 10 times better, I know it doesn't sound possible but it is true. Chris really feeds off of the audience, and that was the worst audience I think I have ever seen. Usually at their shows everyone sings along with them, it is amazing.
For the gals out there, just like at every show Chris has that child like smile that is so genuine, you just can't help but smile right along with him.


I was also at the Philly show and I have to agree that they shouldn't have been on that bill with those other bands. I was embarrassed for Coldplay. I was also one of the people hanging out in the corridor until those other bands finished playing. I suffered through Good Charlotte so that I could have a better chance of getting up close to the stage. I figured a lot of people would leave after them, and I was lucky enough to get really close to the stage. Anyway, I loved the show-- I was hoping they would have played a longer set, but I can't complain-- they were just simply amazing. I loved it when Chris first came out and said something like, "We'll be the heart and soul of the show now." He is so amazing. He melted my heart when he looked right at me when he was singing "In My Place." I'll never forget that.

Hopefully they'll come around again sometime soon in a more intimate venue.


stephanie diane
I saw Coldplay at the Feastival for the first time and for me they were absolutely amazing. I too thought the set list was short (why did he say they'd play for about an hour?) and was disappointed they didn't come back out- the lights went on immediately! I thought their selection was great, though I would have liked to have heard Everything's Not Lost. Closing with The Scientist was a close second though. They had such heart and soul, as Chris said, and they made the huge arena seem so much smaller- more of an intimate show. I did notice the young ages of the kids (there to see the other bands I'm sure) but I soon forgot about it.


i eat seeds
HOLY CRAP! THE SHOW WAS FUCKING AWESOME! but i'm biased cause i'm a huge new found glory fan. and i think good charlotte is decent, as well, but their fans are all fucking RETARDED, I wanted to punch like 80 of them. They think Good Charlotte is the best punk band to ever live and im like let's get one thing straight they're NOT PUNK. But whatever, thats another story. SEETHER FUCKING SUCKED ASS. they sounded like nickelback, I wanted to vomit. I was front row ... kinda off to the left side (the audience left not the stage left)

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE... WERE AMAZINg. their bassist is SICK at the bass. he is...ridiculous. they are such a good band, it's amazing. I had so much fun getting into their sound....they were so great. But no one was really getting hype about their stuff, so that was sad. But then, New Found Glory came on....and wow, just wow, I think what most people don't understand about NFG is that they're all about the fun....they don't take theirselves seriously, nor to their fans. Like, i take them seriously as far as "they are the ultimate in fun...and can really mix elements of hardcore and poppytypepunk and real punk quite nicely"...but other than that, they just aren't a band like "all hail nfg..." they're just good, they'll never be rock gods, like coldplay !! ARRRGH!

ZWAN MADE ME WANNA VOMIT! they had some really good talent and stuff but they shoulda fuckin been on first, they dont even have a fuckin album out, they played for too fuckin long, it made me so fuckin mad, though their stuff wasnt "mosh-able" it made me want to start freaking out and moshing just cause i was so mad that they were playing so long, thats why i think coldplay was cut short, cause theres a certain time when the concert has to end, stupid fucking ZWAN fucking ruined it.


I almost caught the harmonica! but it was brawl, i felt like there was fumble in football and we were all in this pile trying to see who had "possession" of the harmonica!!! it was crazy! it just kills me how close i was to having... THE HARMONICA!! OH MY GOD!

all in all, it was ridiculous for me to be front row at such an amazing concert...during new found glory i brought the mosh, but for the rest of the bands i just hung on the was GREAT. ahhhhh so many of those annoying good charlotte freaks left after good charlotte was over, and i was like WOOO HOOOO but then these annoying drunk girls were getting in like fist fights with dudes behind me it was ridiculous. i kept saying shut the fuck up under my breath cause they kept screaming during the songs...ok, you can scream at cool parts....or scream after the song, but not DURING, OK!?!?!? drunk is not an excuse. ah whatever, they annoyed me. anyways, a bunch of the good charlotte freaks were like "why is stupid coldplay should be good charlotte" i heard so many of them say that. i wanted to THROW last nine meals. i felt like punching them for their idiocy. but anyway....all in all, an amazing show...i couldnt believe i was withing like five feet of was NUTS. i loved when chris would go crazy dancing around in circles, that was awesome. AH



i hate pop punk. ive hated it since i started listening to rock music. all these ppl in the arena were pop punk fans as u could see from their UNIFORMS-colorful hair or blonde, baggy pants, rubber bracelets, hoodie, chucks, etc.
dey were fucking pissing me off whole time
seether was a great band n when i came in to pit n saw NIck(seether drummer ) doing sound check, i was going crazy...ahhh hes hot...but neway EH HEM, i was the only one going crazy in first row n dis dude in the middle even gave them a finger in the middle of their set. WTF, u dont see me beating up fucking poppunk bands. u really cant say nething if u like pop punk since u have degraded urself by liking dat sorta shit.
newayz. so i was like watever peeps. n queens of stone age were soooo awesome. dey def. knew what dey were doing with their instruments. dey r the band who knew their instruments the best. Nick Olivieri's solo was funny cuz he couldnt sing for a shit
who was dat singer neway....he sorta resembled Steven Tyler....hmhm....

so ok, NFG comes out. these fuckers around me screaming jumping up n down. im standing in the front, rolling my eyes. its funny cuz both pop punk singers(GC n NFG) came right in front of me ( little to the left from the middle) like 100000s of times, when other singers didnt. n dey kept on looking at me whole time, cuz all these ppl were going crazy around me while i was like lalala when is dis gonna b over...i guess dey were wondering y i didnt like their COOL MUSIC. i think dey were both good. its just dat whole genre sucks ass. so neway, after NFG, nobody was on stage n ppl started pushing harder. i was sooo pissed so i yelled out "CAN U GUYS STOP FUCKING PUSHING!!!" n OH yea, dey DID stop pushing, for like 3 mins. so neway, when good charlotte was playing, i was really dehydrated. n deir music was sooo pissing me off, because they were just whining about their stupid highschool life. watever yo, if u were picked on as kids, den u suck, u dont hav to still whine about it when ur like 23.

so whole rolling eyeballs process began again, dis time me pinching some of crowdsurfers also. i heard cracking sound in my neck when one of em felt on me. GOD I HATE EM.
so after all the sufferings, GC was finally over, n half of the ppl left. i was like DIE. dey r stupid as shit, dey claim to be unique n stuff not realizing dat dey dress all same ns tuff. dey must hav POP PUNK UNIFORM SITE where u can match all their clothes b4 dey come to the cocnert. so neway, Coldplay finally came on, n dis was my first coldplay experience. one word cant describe it, but best description is-AWESOME. when i started listening to coldplay cd, Chris martin's piano encouraged me to take lessons again. its just so beautiful. his talents r amazing. i loved his dance but highlight of their set was HOT IN HERRE. after trouble, martin kept on playing piano. i was like wat is dis? he was all serious n coldplay-ish when he sang the song so it was really funny. i was kinda disappointed at the length of the set. i mean, i waited since 2 oclock, freezing my ass off outside just to see em. but still, its better than nothing. dey were really amazing.
btw, dey r coming back to Camden? in Feb? or did i misread it. i cant wait til i see them again!!!!!!!

one of the pop punk fans in my skool said " EW, u stayed for coldplay?" dat whore is gonna get punched in the face. ROAR
my ribs still hurt. dis was not as bad as hoobastank concert though. when i went to hoobi concert, i ended up with rows of bruises along my arms upto myelbow + a breathing problem for like it hurts



at the Philly show, if any of you were in the front row, you most definately saw me... I was wearing a red zip up soccer jacket thing (my brother gave it to me from london) and I was taking Photos... I had a photo pass...

yep that was me


seether.. i didn't really care for.. couldn't take good pics because the lead singer like wearing his hair in front of his face..
it was like trying to take pics of cousin it..

QOTSA- i'm not really a big fan...they were..OKAY but their lighing SUCKED>..
we can't take pictures in teh dark , or when strobe lighting is going we sorta just stood there..

New Found glory/Good charlotte- i cant believe the weirdo following that these bands was fucking dangerous to be up in the front where we were because people were FLYING over the barrier... and i like my camera and my face more than i like the bands, so i just wanted to take my pics and get teh fuck out of there...

Zwan.. i like zwan... i got some really good shoots of them... their lighting was pretty good except for when they fucking had FOG in the beginning...when you can only shoot the first 3 songs, it sorta makes things stressful

and coldplay...of course...
I think they derived from their setlist, but whatever... i watched the show from the side of the stage... wonderful as usual.. I was laughing soooo hard when chris was like "its getting hot in here... so take off all your clothes" i was dying..

and i love how i was standing next to the guitarist from Good Charlotte and had clue.. i was just like..whatever...

so yeah..philly recap!

I think i liked the TLA show lots better.. but the philly show was still good...